When vii. tymes xxvi. had run their rase,
Then Nature discovered his blacke face:
But when an C. and L. had overcome him in fight,
He made him wash his face white and bright:
Then came xxxvi. wythe greate rialltie,
And made Blacke and White away to fle:
Me thought he was a Prince off honoure,
For he was all in Golden armoure;
And on his head a Crowne off Golde
That for no riches it might be solde:
Which tyll I saw my hartte was colde
To thinke at length who should wyne the filde
Tyll Blacke and White to Red dyd yelde;
Then hartely to God did I pray
That ever I saw that joyfull day.
1572. T. Charnocke.
When vii. tymes xxvi. had runne their rase,
Then Nature discoved his blacke face.
But whith an C. and L. came in with great blost
And made Blacke nye to flye the Coste:
Yet one came after and brought 30 off greate might,
Which made Blacke and White to flee quite;
Me though he was a Prince off honor,
For he was all in Golden Armoure,
And one his head a Crowne off Golde:
That for no riches it myght be solde,
And trewly with no Philosopher I do mocke;
For I did it my sellffe Thomas Charnocke:
Therefore God coomforte in thy warke
For all our wrettinges are verye darke,
Despyse all Bookes and them defye,
Wherein is nothing but Recipe & Accipe;
Fewe learned men with in this Realme,
Can tell the aright what I do meane;
I could finde never man but one,
Which cowlde teache me the secrets off or Stone:
And that a Pryste in the Close off Salesburie,
God rest his Soll in heven full myrie.
Quote of the Day
“avoid all things which vanish in or will not endure the fire, because from these adjustible, perishing or consuming things, you can never attain to the perfect matter, which is only found in the digesting of your water, extracted from sol and luna. For by this water, color, and ponderosity or weight, are infinitely given to the matter; and this water is a white vapor, which like a soul flows through the perfect bodies, taking wholly from them their blackness, and impurities, uniting the two bodies in one, and increasing their water. Nor is there any other thing than Azoth, to wit, this our water, which can take from the perfect bodies of sol and luna, their natural color, making the red body white, according to the disposition thereof.”
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