A Tract of the Universal Panacaea Of Soul and Body

A Tractat by William Parke

Universal Panacaea

Published by William Parke, Hermetick Philos. and Physitian.
In him was life, and the Life was the light of men; and the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not, John 1.4,5.

Printed in the Year, 1665.

To them that are Elected of God, and Born of Nature.


1. God is Unity in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity.

2. God is all things possible and existent.

3. All things are in God, as Rays in their Centre.

4. The reflection of Gods Image, in speculo trinitatis, was the beginning of the creation.

Axiomata of the Creation and Harmony of the World.

1. The image emanating from God, is the first matter of all things: The first termination whereof constituted the Circle of Intelligence; The second termination whereof constituted the Circle of Souls; The third termination whereof constituted the Circle of Nature; The fourth termination whereof constituted the Circle of Metals.
2. By the Reflection, each Circle was impregnated according to their distance from their Centre: viz. The Circle of Intelligence with Forms; The Circle of Souls with Ideas; The Circle of Nature with the Seminal Reasons; The Circle of Matter with Material Forms.
3. These Circles being Univocal and Homogeneous, are linked together by the Golden Chain of Unity, Love, and Harmony: viz. The Intelligences with Nature; The Souls, with the Quintessence, Nature, with Matter, as with a Vehicle.
4. The Intelligences are defined both to the power and knowledge: for they cannot operate any thing without the command of God.

1. Proposition

God operateth; by the communication of his Velle, or Decree, to the first matter of Creation; the first matter, to the Intelligence; the Intelligence, to the Soul; the Soul, to Nature; Nature, to Matter; doth communicate the Velle Dei.

1. Demonstration

God communicated his Decree of the Creation of Adam, to the first Matter; the first Matter, to the Determinate Intelligence; the Intelligence, to the Determinate Soul; the Soul, to Nature; Nature, to Matter.

These being concentrated by the Velle, or Decree of God, into one Microcosm, hence floweth the creation of Adam.

2. Demonstration

In the Generation of Eve, God communicated his Decree of her Generation to the first Matter; the first Matter, to the Intelligence of Adam; the Intelligence, to the Soul; the Soul, to the Fancy; the Fancy, to the Animal, Vital, and Natural Spirits.

The Animal, Vital, and Natural Spirits, being concentrated and fermented in the Spermatick Vesskials, by the Phantasma of the Fancy Sigilled upon them.

From the Spirits thus concentrated and fermented, by the Image of God in them; resulted the Generation of Eve. The Generation of our Savior was after this manner, as hath been demonstrated.

3. Demonstration

In the Conception of Christ, the Essence of God united with the humane Nature of Christ, by Concentration of the first matter of Creation, in humane Nature: Therefore Christ is Light and Life, the Light that illuminateth every one that cometh into the world; the Life that giveth Life, and reviveth all Mankind: from him we live, move, and have our being. The Universal Panacea, or Elixir, that cureth all by the water of Regeneration, and fire of the Spirit: The Philosophers Stone, who transmuteth the Signature of the Spirit of the Universe, and liberats the Image of God, or Spirit of Man from Darkness and Captivity, into the glorious light of liberty.

2. Proposition

Lucifer and his Concomitants desiring to be equal with God, united themselves with the first Matter or Image of God in the second, viz., Light, whereby they might have absolute power over Matters.

4. Demonstration

Lucifer and his Concomitants being in Fermentation, thorow the desire of Union with the first Matter, communicated the Signature thereof to Matter, by the Vihicle of Nature. Matter being thus fermented with the Signature, became pregnant; Matter being thus conceived, God therefore eclipsed the Conception, whereupon followed Abortion.

Lucifer and his Concomitants being eclipsed, in the Conception of the glorious light, Sigilled the circumference of Nature, viz. the Elementa Elementata, and the Principia Principiata, with the Signature of the desire of Dominion over another: Hence followeth contention and contrariety, transmutation of each into another, corruption and death.

Having thus Sigilled the Elementa Elementata, and Principia Principiata, they concentred and fermented them in the sight of Eve; whereby she saw the forms of all things, in a Glorious Figure: with the which aspect, her Fancy being fassinated, she was attracted. Her Fancy being thus attracted, with the Species of the object represented, communicated the Species thereof to the Soul, the Animal, Vital, and Natural Spirits, and consequently to the whole Body. The Union thereof was mediated by the Efflux and Reflux of the Celestial Body: by the Efflux to matter Sigilled, with the Signature of Envy, and emulation against God, and against his Image.

By the Reflux from Matter, thereby the Spirit of Man is more and more transmuted according to the Fermentation and Exaltation of the Fancy from Light to Darkness; from Union and Communion with God, into Union and Communion with the Spirit of the Universe.

Eve being thus fassinated, did fassinate Adam by Union of her Animal, Vital, and Natural Spirits, (transpiring and exhaling through the pores of the Body) being Sigilled with Adams Spirit: The Spirits being thus United, Sigilled the Spirits of Adam; the Spirits, the Fancy; the Fancy, the Soul: hence Diseases, Death, Damnation.

3. Proposition

The Primitive Origin of Diseases is the Union of the Spirit of Man with the Spirit of the World.

The Second Cause is the Signature of Emulation, Sigilled in the Humane Nature. As the Cause is two-fold, so the Cure.

First Cure is by Dissolution of the Union; The second is by Transmutation of the Signature.

5. Demonstration

The Union of the Spirit of God, is the Dissolution or Dis-union of the Spirit of the Universe: As the Degree of Union, so is the Degree of Dissolution; a total Union of the Spirit of Man with the Spirit of God, is a total Dissolution or Liberation from the Spirit of the Universe. A total Union is Glory and Heaven. The Multiplication of the Union is by the continual reflection of the Spirit of Man upon God in Christ.

The means are the Holy Scriptures, Faith, Love, Patience, Repentance, Contrition of Spirit, Humility, Self-denyal, Prayer in Spirit and Truth, Continence, Temperance.

The 2nd part of the Demonstration

Transmutation of the Signature is effected immediately by Prayer in Faith, working by Love.

Transmutation of the Signature is mediately by Signature, Sigils of Constellations, characters of Planets, and of Angels, Numbers, Words, &c. Concerning which I have written in a Book, called Lux e Tenebris, which I intend shortly to put to the Press; therefore I shall be Brief in this Treatise.

The Signatures are in Animals, Vegitables, Mettallick Bodies, and Mettals.

Amongst Animals Man hath the chiefest Signature in his Blood; Amongst Vegetables the Quintessence of Saffron; of the Berries of Juniper, of the Seeds of Rew (Juniper and Rew having the signature of the Cross) of the Quintessence of Cedar of Wine, &c.

Amongst Mettallick Bodies and Mettals preparations made out of the Minera of Mercury and Antimony, Venus, Luna, Sol, have the principallest signature.

Numbers have Efficacy and Energy

Instance he that hath the Number seven, in his Nativity; can by the signature thereof, cure diseases universally, if it be fortified and multiplied by a continual reflection upon God: with the which Signature I was dignified in my Nativity; and thereby have transmuted with admirable success, the Signature of the Kings Evil, Epilepsy, Podagra, &c. and have removed the occaissonal matter with Elixir and Balsam: with Elixars out of Mettallick Bodies, Mettals, and out of the Universal spirit incorporated and fixedin Corals, Pearls, Saltpeter, Vitriol, &c.

With Balsam made out of the mineral Sulphur, and out of vegetable Sulphur; viz. by the coagulation of the Oyl with the Volatile Salt: out of Animal Sulphur by putrefaction, seperation of the principles, and conjunction and union of them again.

Demonstrations and Preparations of Mettallick bodies and Metals, and of the Spirit of the Universe incorporated.

Take the King and the Queen and put them in the Wedlock bed; then after fourty dayes the Queen shall conceive with a Royal Child; (the conception being initiated) the Embrion is to be nourished with Virgins Milk untill the full perfection thereof.

Take Gold, and distill it seven times over the retort, with the menstruum mundi; the Gold being thus volatized by distillation, is to be sublimed with three parts of Mercury to one of Gold, until all the Gold be sublimed.

The Gold being thus sublimed with Mercury, then should it be calcined with a Philosophical calcination. The Mercury with the Gold, being thus calcined, then the bodies of both are pre-disposed for the Extraction of the tincture with the menstruum mundi. Hence ye shall have the medicine, whose Vertues and Properties will celebrate it self.

Take Mettallick Bodies, Mettals, and the Spirit of the Universe incorporated, and elevate them unto their Heaven; then circulate them until they have traced the seven sphears of the Planets, then reduce them into their Virgin Earth: whence you have a Medicine and Elixar (of each of the premised) curing all diseases Corolary, Mercury and Antimony being prepared according to their ordinary manner of preparation, are at the best exalted Poison, until they be perfectly fixed, which can be done by no means but by separating the impure from the pure; and by joyning and congealing the central Mercury with that which is of a homegeneous nature; according to these Axiomes, Natura natura letatur unitur, transmutat & multiplicat.

Demonstrations of the preparation of Balsums out of Sulphur of Minerals Vegetables and Animals.

Take Mineral Sulphur, and elevate it to its Heaven by the Separation of the impure from the Pure, with a fit medium; the superfluous Sulhpur being thus separated, ye may extract the tincture thereof with the Spirit of Wine.

Take Saffron, Juniper Berries, Seeds of Rew, Aloes, Cedar, and digest them in the menstruum of Alcalice volatized with essential Oyls according to the ordinary way; But if ye shall prepare them according to the Method that I have prescribed in the foresaid Book, you may do much better.

Demonstration of the Universal Panacaea, or of the Spirit of the Universe Incorporated in the second matter of Generation; by Axiomes and Conclusions.

Axiome 1. The Image of God is in Light as in its Vehicle.

Ax. 2. Light is the Secret matter of Generation.

Ax. 3. Virgine Earth is the second matter of Generation.

Ax. 4. The Image of God by the Vehicle of Light, is united and concentred in the Virgine Earth.

Ax. 5. Light the first matter is concentred and fixed in Virgine Earth, the second matter.

Ax 6. The Image of God, in the first matter of Generation, uniting univocally and homogenically with the spirit of man, (being liberated from the bondage of Elementa Elementata, of the Principia Principiata) doth increase and multiply it according to the degree of union.

Con. Virgine Earth is the subject matter; in which Light and Life is terminated and concentrated.

Con. The Light and Life in Virgine Earth, causeth Vegitation, Generation and Motion in all the products thereof.

Con. Virgine Earth being purified by exaltation and sublimation, from the circumferential and superficial impurity, is the universal Panaceaea that conserveth and multiplieth Light and Life in all its products.

Having demonstrated breifly the method and process of Creation Generation, of Origin of Causes, and of their Cure, I shall conclude with praise and glory to the IMMENSE LIGHT, in whom we live, move, and have our being.


Quote of the Day

“in all silver is white, as in all gold there is red, sulphur. No other sulphur like that which exists in these bodies is found on all the earth. Therefore we cunningly prepare these two bodies, that we may have sulphur and quicksilver of the same substance as that which generates gold and silver under the earth. For they are shining bodies, whose rays tinge other bodies with true whiteness and redness, according to the manner of their own preparation.”


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