A LETTER, Containing a most briefe Discourse Apo∣logeticall, with a plaine Demonstration, and feruent Protestation, for the lawfull, sincere, very faithfull and Christian course

A LETTER, Containing a most briefe Discourse Apo∣logeticall, with a plaine Demonstration, and feruent Protestation, for the lawfull, sincere, very faithfull and Christian course, of the Philosophicall studies and exerci∣ses, of a certaine studious Gentleman: An ancient Seruaunt to her most excellent Maiesty Royall.

For that, as if they loved me, they detracted from me: - Pro eo, vt me diligerent, detrahebant mihi:

To the most Reuerend father in God, the Lord Archbishop of Canturbury, Primate and Metropolitane of all England, one of her Ma∣iesties most honorable priuy Counsaile: my singular good Lord.

MOst humbly and hartily I craue your Graces pardon, if I offende any thing, to send, or present vnto your Graces hand, so simple a discourse as this is: Although, by some sage and discreet my friends their opiniō, it is thought not to be impertinent, to my most needfull suites, presently in hand, (before her most excellent Maiesty Royall, your Lordships good Grace, and other the Right honorable Lordes of her Maiesties priuy Counsaile) to make some part of my former studies, and studious exercises (within and for these 46, yeeres last past, vsed and continued) to be first knowne and discouered vnto your Grace, and o∣ther the Right honorable my good Lordes, of her Maie∣sties priuy Counsaile: And, Secondly, afterwardes, the same to be permitted to come to publique view: Not so

much, to stop the mouthes, and, at length to stay the im∣pudent attemptes, of the rash, and malicious deuisers, and contriuers of most vntrue, foolish, and wicked re∣ports, and fables, of, and concerning my foresaid studious exercises, passed ouer, with my great, (yea incredible) paines, trauels, cares, and costs, in the search, and lear∣ning of true Philosophie; As, therein, Só, to certifie, and satisfie the godly and vnpartiall Christian hearer, or reader hereof: That, by his own iudgement, (vpon his due con∣sideration, and examination of this, no little parcell, of the particulars of my foresaid studies, and exercises phi∣losophicall annexed) He will, or may, be sufficiently in∣formed, and perswaded; That I haue wonderfully labo∣red, to finde, follow, vse, & haunt the true, straight, and most narrow path, leading all true, deuout, zealous, faith∣full, and constant Christian students, ex valle hac miseriae, & miseria istius vallis: & tenebrarum Regno; & tenebris istius Regni, ad montem sanctum Syon, & ad caelestia taber∣nacula. All thankes, are most due, therefore, vnto the Al∣mighty: Seeing, it so pleased him, (euen from my youth, by his diuine fauor, grace, and helpe) to insinuate into my hart, an insatiable zeale, & desire, to knowe his truth: And in him, and by him, incessantly to seeke, and listen af∣ter the same; by the true philosophicall method and har∣mony: proceeding and ascending, (as it were) gradatim, from things visible, to consider of thinges inuisible: from thinges bodily, to conceiue of thinges spirituall: from things transitorie, & momentanie, to meditate of things permanent: by thinges mortall (visible and inuisible) to haue some perceiuerance of immortality. And to con∣clude,

most briefely; by the most meruailous frame of the whole World, philosophically viewed, and circumspectly wayed, numbred, and measured (according to the talent, & gift of God, from aboue alotted, for his diuine purpo∣ses effecting) most faithfully to loue, honor, and glorifie alwaies, the Framer, and Creator thereof. In whose work∣manship, his infinite goodnesse, vnsearchable wisdome, and Almighty power, yea, his euerlasting* 2.1 power, and diuinity, may (by innumerable meanes) be manifested, and demonstrated. The truth of which my zealous, care∣full, aud constant intent, and endeuour specified; may (I hope) easilie appeare by the whole, full and due suruey, and consideration of all the Bookes, Treatises, and dis∣courses, whose Titles onely, are, at this time, here annex∣ed, and expressed: As they are set down in the sixt Chap∣ter, of an other little Rhapsodicall Treatise, intitled, The Cōpendious Rehearsall, &c. writtē aboue two yeares since: for those her Maiesties two honorable Commissioners; which her most excellent Maiesty had most graciouslie sent to my poore Cottage, in Mortlake: to vnderstand the matters, and causes at full; through which, I was so ex∣treamely vrged to procure at her Maiesties handes such honorable Surueiors & witnesses to be assigned, for the due proofe of the contents, of my most humble and pitifull supplication, exhibited vnto her most excellent Maiesty, at Hampton Court, An. 1592. Nouemb. 9. Thus therefore (as follow∣eth) is ye said 6. Chapter there, recorded.

My labors and paines bestowed at diuers times, to pleasure my natiue Countrey: by writing of sundry Bookes, and Treatises: some in La∣tine, some in English, and some of them, written, at her Maiesties commandement. Of which Bookes, and Treatises, some are printed, and some vnprinted. The printed Bookes, and Treatises are these following:

...[ 1] Propaedeumata Aphoristica, De praestantioribus quibusdā Naturae virtutibus.—Aphorismi. 120.—Anno. 1558.
...[ 2] Monas Hieroglyphica, Mathematicè, Anagogicéque ex∣plicata; ad Maximilianum (Dei gratia) Romanorum, Bohemiae, & Hungariae, Regem sapientissimum an. 1564.
...[ 3] Epistola ad eximium Ducis Vrbini Mathematicum (Frede∣ricum Commandinum) praefixa libello Machometi Bag∣dedini, De superficierum Diuisionibus; edito in lucem, o∣pera mea, & eiusdem Commandini Vrbinatis; Impressa Pisauri—Anno—1570.
...[ 4] The Brytish Monarchy (otherwise called the Petty Nauy Royall:) for the politique security; abundant wealth, and the triumphant state of this kingdome, (with Gods fauor) procuring—Anno— 1576.
...[ 5] My Mathematicall praeface annexed to Euclide, (by the right worshipfull Sir Henry Billingsley Knight, in the English language first published) written at the earnest request of sundry right worshipfull Knights, and other very well learned men. Wherein are many Arts, of me, wholy inuented (by name, definition, propriety and vse,) more then either the Graecian, or Roman Mathemati∣ciens, haue left to our knowledge—Anno— 1570.

...My diuers & many Annotations, and Inuentions Mathe∣maticall, [ 6] added in sundry places of the foresaid English Euclide, after the tenth Booke of the same —1570.
...Epistola praefixa Ephemeridibus Ioannis Felde Angli: cui [ 7] rationem declaraueram Ephemerides conscribendi. 1557.
...Paralaticae Cōmentationis, Praxeos{que} Nucleus quidā. 1573 [ 8]

The vnprinted Bookes and Treatises, are these: some, perfectly finished: and some, yet vnfinished.

...THe first great volume of Famous and rich Discoueries: [ 9] wherein (also) is the History of King Salomon, euery three yeeres, his Ophirian voyage. The Originals of Presby∣ter Ioannes: and of the first great Cham, and his successors for many yeeres following: The description of diuers won∣derfull Iles, in the Northen, Scythian, Tartarian, and the other most Northen Seas, and neere vnder the North Pole: by Record, written aboue 1200. yeeres since: with diuers other rarities—Anno—1576.
...The Brytish Complement, of the perfect Art of Nauigati∣on; [ 10] A great volume: in which, are contained our Queene Elizabeth her Arithmeticall Tables Gubernau∣ticke: for Nauigation by the Paradoxall compasse (of me, inuented anno 1557.) and Nauigation by great Circles: and for longitudes, and latitudes; and the variation of the compasse finding most easilie, and speedily: yea, (if neede be) in one minute of time, and sometime, without sight of sunne, moone, or star; with many other, new and neede∣full inuentions Gubernauticke—anno—1576.
...Her Maiesties Title Royall, to many forrain Cuntries, king∣domes, [ 11] and prouinces, by good testimony and sufficient

...proofe recorded: and in 12. Velam skins of parchment, faire written: for her Maiesties vse: and at her Maiesties commandement —anno—1578
...[ 12] De Imperatoris Nomine, Authoritate, & Potentia: de∣dicated to her Maiesty —anno — 1579
...[ 13] Prolegomena & Dictata Parisiensia, in Euclidis Elemen∣torum Geometricorum, librum primum, & secundum; in Collegio Rhemensi—anno—1550.
...[ 14] De vsu Globi Caelestis: ad Regem Edoardum sextum. 1550
...[ 15] The Art of Logicke, in English —anno — 1547.
...[ 16] The 13. Sophisticall Fallaciās, with their Discoueries, writ∣ten in English meter—anno— 1548.
...[ 17] Mercurius Caelestis: libri—24. written at Louayn— 1549.
...[ 18] De Nubium, Solis, Lunae, ac reliquorum Planetarum, immò ipsius stelliferi Caeli, ab infimo Terrae Centro, distantijs, mutuis{que} interuallis, & eorundem omnium Magnitudine liber 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, ad Edoardum Sextum, Angliae Regē. Anno— 1551.
...[ 19] Aphorismi Astrologici—300.—anno—1553.
...[ 20] The true cause, and account (not vulgar) of Fluds and Ebbs: written at the request of the right honorable Lady, Lady Iane, Duchesse of Northumberland—anno—1553.
...[ 21] The Philosophicall and Poeticall Originall occasions, of the Configurations, and names of the heauenly Asterismes— written at the request of the same Duchesse. Anno. 1553.
...[ 22] The Astronomicall, & logisticall rules, and Canons, to calcu∣late the Ephemerides by, and other necessary accounts of heauenly motions: written at the request, and for the vse of that excellent Mechanicien Maister Richard Chaun∣celor, at his last voyage into Moschouia—anno—1553.
...[ 23] De Acribologia Mathematica; volumen magnum: sexde∣cim continens libros—anno—1555

...Inuentum Mechanicum, Paradoxum, De noua ratione deli∣neandi [ 24] Circumferentiam Circularem: vnde, valde rara alia excogitari perficíque poterunt problemata. An. 1556.
...De speculis Comburentibus: libri sex—Anno—1557. [ 25]
...De Perspectiua illa, qua peritissimi vtuntur Pictores. 1557. [ 26]
...Speculum vnitatis: siue Apologia pro Fratre Rogerio Ba∣chone [ 27] Anglo: in qua docetur nihil illum per Daemoniorum fecisse auxilia, sed philosophum fuisse maximum; naturali∣terque & modis homini Christiano licitis, maximas fecis∣se res, quas indoctum solet vulgus, in Daemoniorum referre facinora—Anno—1557.
...De Annuli Astronomici multiplici vsu—lib. 2—Anno. 1557. [ 28]
...Trochilica Inuenta—lib—2—Anno—1558. [ 29]
...〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉—lib—3—Anno—1558. [ 30]
...De tertia & praecipua Perspectiuae parte, quae de Radiorum [ 31] fractione tractat—libri—3—Anno—1559.
...De Itinere subterraneo—libri—2—Anno—1560. [ 32]
...De Triangulorum rectilineorum Areis—libri—3—demon∣strati: [ 33] ad excellentissimum Mathematicum Petrum No∣nium conscripti—Anno—1560.
...Cabalae Hebraicae compendiosa tabella—Anno—1562. [ 34]
...Reipublicae Britannicae Synopsis: in English—Anno. 1565. [ 35]
...De Trigono Circinóque Analogico, Opusculum, Mathe∣maticum [ 36] & Mechanicum—libri—4—Anno—1565.
...De stella admiranda, in Cassiopeae Asterismo, caelitus de∣missa [ 37] ad orbem vsque veneris: Iterumque in Caeli pene∣tralia perpendiculariter retracta, post decimum sextum suae apparitionis mensem—Anno—1573.
...Hipparchus Rediuiuus—Tractatulus—Anno. 1573. [ 38]
...De vnico Mago, & triplici Herode, eóque Antichristiano. [ 39] Anno—1570.
...Ten sundry and very rare Heraldical Blasonings of one Crest [ 40]

...or Cognisance, lawfully confirmed to certaine auncient Armes—lib. 1.—Anno—1574.
...[ 41] Atlantidis, (vulgariter, Indiae Occidentalis nominatae) e∣mendatior de scriptio Hydrographica, quàm vlla alia ad∣huc euulgata—anno—1580.
...[ 42] De modo Euangelij Iesu Christi publicandi, propagandi, sta∣biliendique, inter Infideles Atlanticos: volumen magnum, libris distinctum quatuor: quorū primus ad Serenissimam nostram Potentissimamque Reginam Elizabetham inscri∣bitur: Secundus, ad summos priuati suae sacrae Maiestatis consilij senatores: Tertius, ad Hispaniarum Regem, Phi∣lippum: Quartus, ad Pontificem Romanum—anno 1581.
...[ 43] Nauigationis ad Cathayum per Septentrionalia Scythiae & Tartariae litora, Delineatio Hydrographica: Arthuro Pit, & Carolo Iackmanno Anglis, versus illas partes Na∣uigaturis, in manus tradita; cum admiraendarum quarun∣dam Insularum annotatione, in illis subpolaribus parti∣bus iacentium—anno—1580.
...[ 44] Hemisphaerij Borealis Geographica, at que Hydrographica de∣scriptio: longè a vulgatis chartis diuersa: Anglis quibus∣dam, versus Atlantidis Septentrionalia litora, nauigatio∣nem instituentibus, dono data—anno—6583
...[ 45] The Originals, and chiefe points, of our auncient Brytish, Hi∣stories, discoursed vpon, and examined—anno—1583.
...[ 46] An aduise & discourse about the Reformation of the vulgar Iulian yeere—written by her Maiesties commandement, and the Lords of the priuy Counsaile—anno—1582.
...[ 47] Certaine considerations, and conferrings together, of these three sentences, (aunciently accounted as Oracles) Nosce te ipsum: Homo Homini Deus: Homo Homini Lupus. 1592
...[ 48] De hominis Corpore, Spiritu, & Anima: siue Microcosmicum totius Philosophiae Naturalis Compendium—lib. 1—1591

With many other bookes, pamphlets, discourses, in∣uentions, and conclusions, in diuers Artes and matters: whose names, need not in this Abstract to be notified: The most part of all which, here specified, lie heere before your Honours vpon the table, on your left hand. But by other bookes and writinges, of an other sort, (if it so please God, and that he wil grant me life, health, and due maintenance thereto, for some ten or twelue yeares next ensuing) I may, hereafter make plaine, and without doubt, this sentence to be true, Plura latent, quàm patent.

Thus far (my good Lord) haue I set downe this Cata∣logus, out of the foresaid sixt Chapter, of the booke, whose title is this:

The Compendious rehearsall of Iohn Dee, his dutifull decla∣ration [ 49] and proofe of the course and race of his studious life, for the space of halfe an hundred yeeres, now (by Gods fauor and helpe) fully spent, &c.

To which compendious rehearsall, doth now belong an Appendix, of these two last yeeres: In which I haue had ma∣ny iust occasions, to confesse, that Homo Homini Deus, and Homo Homini Lupus, was and is an Argumēt, worthy of the decyphering, & large discussing: as may, one day, hereafter (by Gods helpe) be published, in some maner very strange. And besides all the rehearsed books, & treatises of my wri∣ting, or handling hitherto, I haue iust cause, lately giuen me to write & publish a Treatise, with Title, De Horizonte Ae∣ternitatis: [ 50] to make euident, that one Andreas Libauius, in a booke of his, printed the last yeere, hath vnduly conside∣red a phrase of my Monas Hieroglyphica: to his misliking:

by his own vnskilfulnes in such matter: and not vnderstan∣ding my apt application thereof, in one of the very princi∣pal places,* 2.2 of the whole book. And this booke of mine, (by Gods help and fauour) shall be dedicated vn∣to her most excellent maiesty Roi∣all: And this Treatise doth con∣taine three bookes,* 2.3 The first inti∣tled, [ 1] De Horizonte: liber Mathe∣maticus [ 51] & Physicus. The Secōd, De [ 2] Aeternitate: liber Theologicus, Metaphysicus & Mathematicus. The Third, De Horizonte Aeter∣nitatis: [ 3] liber Theologicus, Mathe∣maticus, & Hierotechnicus.

¶ Truly I haue great cause to praise and thanke God, for your graces verie charitable vsing of me: both in sun∣dry points else, & also in your fauorable yelding to, yea & notifying the due meanes for the performance of her Sa∣cred Maiesties most gracious and bountifull disposition, resolution, and very royall beginning, to restore and giue vnto me (her Ancient faithfull seruant) some due mainte∣nance: to leade the rest of my old daies, in some quiet and comfort: with habilitie, to retaine some speedy, faire, and Orthographicall writers, about me; and the same skilfull in Latine and Greeke (at the least:) aswell for mine owne bookes, and workes, faire and correctly to be written (such I meane, as either her most excellent Maiestie, out of the premisses will make choise of, or command to be finished or published: or such of them, as your grace shall thinke

meete or worthy for my farther labor to be bestowed on:) as else for the speedy, faire, and true writing out of other ancient Authors their good and rare workes, in greeke or Latine: which by Gods prouidence, haue been preserued frō the spoile made of my Librarie, & of all my moueable goods here: &c. Anno. 1583. ✚ 2.4 In which Librarie, were about 4000 bookes: whereof, 700. were anciently written by hande: Some in Greeke, some in Latine, some in Hebrue: And some in other lan∣guages (as may by the whole Cata∣logus thereof appeare.) But the great losses and dammages which in sundry sorts I haue sustained, do not so much grieue my hart, as the rash, lewde, fond, and most vntrue fables and reports of me, and my studies philosophicall, haue done, & yet do: which cōmonly, after their first hatching, and diuelish deuising, immediatly with great speede, are gene∣rally all the Realme ouerspread; and to some, seeme true; to other, they are doubtfull: and to only the wise, modest, discreet, godly, and charitable (and chiefelie to such as haue some acquaintance with me) they appeare, and are knowne to be fables, vntruths, and vtterly false reports, and sclaunders. Well, this shall be my last charitable giuing of warning, and feruent protestation to my Countrimen and all other in this case:

Before the Almighty our God,* 2.5 and your Lordships good grace, this day, on the perill of my soules damnation (if I lie, or take his name in vaine herein) I take the same God, to be my

witnesse; That, with all my hart, with all my soule, with all my strength, power, and vnderstanding (according to the measure thereof, which the Almighty hath giuen me) for the most part of the time, from my youth hitherto, I haue vsed, and still vse, good, lawfull, honest, christian, and diuinely pre∣scribed meanes, to attaine to the knowledge of those truthes, which are meet, and necessary for me to know; and wherwith to do his diuine Maiesty such seruice, as hee hath, doth, and will call me vnto, during this my life: for his honor and glory aduancing, and for the benefit, and commoditie publique of this kingdome; so much, as by the will, and purpose of God, shall lie in my skill, and hability to performe: as a true, faith∣full, and most sincerely dutifull seruant, to our most grati∣ous and incomparable Queene Elizabeth, and as a very com∣fortable fellow-member of the body politique, gouerned vn∣der the scepter Royal of our earthly Supreame head (Queene Elizabeth) and as a liuely sympathicall, and true symetricall fellow-member, of that holy and mysticall body, Catholicklie extended and placed (wheresoeuer) on the earth: in the view, knowledge, direction, protection, illumination, and consola∣tion of the Almighty, most blessed, most holy, most glorious, comaiesticall, coëternall, and coëssentiall Trinity: The head of that body, being only our Redeemer, Christ Iesus, perfect God and perfect man: whose returne in glory, we faithfully awaite, and daily, do very earnestly cry vnto him, to hasten his second comming, for his electes sake: iniquity doth so on this earth, abound, and preuaile, and true faith with charity, and Euangelicall simplicity, haue but colde, slender, and vn∣certaine intertainement, among the worldly-wise men of this worlde.

Therefore (herein concluding) I beseech the Almighty God, most aboundantly to increase and confirme your graces

heauenly wisdome, and endue you with all the rest of his hea∣uenly gifts, for the relieuing, refreshing, and comforting, both bodily and spiritually, his little flocke of the faithfull, yet mili∣tant here on earth. Amen.

An Epilogue.
Good my Lord, I beseech your grace, to allowe of my plaine and comfortable Epilogus, for this matter at this time. Seeing, my studious exercises, and conuersation [ 1] ciuile, may be aboundantly testified, to my good credit, in the most partes of all Christendome: and that, by all de∣grees of Nobility, by al degrees of the learned, and by ve∣ry many other, of godly and Christian disposition, for the space of 46. yeeres triall: (as appeareth by the Recordes lately viewed by two honourable witnesses, by Commissi∣on from her Maiesty,) And seeing, for these 36. yeeres, last [ 2] past, I haue beene her most excellent Maiesties very true, faithfull, and dutifull seruaunt; At whose royall mouth, I neuer receiued any one word of reproch; but all of fauor, and grace: In whose princely countenance, I neuer percei∣ued frowne toward me, or discontented regard, or view on me: but at all times fauorable, and gracious: to the great ioy and comfort of my true, faithfull, and loyall hart. And [ 3] (thirdly) Seeing, the workes of my handes, and wordes of my mouth (heere before notified, in the Schedule of my bookes, and writings) may beare liuely witnesse of the thoughts of my hart, and inclination of my minde, gene∣rally, (as all wise men do know, and Christ himselfe doth auouch) It might, in manner, seeme needlesse, thus care∣fully

(though most briefely and speedily) to haue warned or confounded the scornefull, the malicious, the proud, and the rash in their vntrue reports, opinions, and fables of my studies, or exercises Philosophicall: but that, it is of more importance, that the godly, the honest, the mo∣dest, the discreet, graue, and charitable Christians (Eng∣lish or other,) louers of Iustice, truth, and good learning, may, hereby, receiue certaine comfort in themselues (to perceiue, that Veritas tandem praeualebit) and sufficient∣ly be weaponed and armed with sound truth, to defende me against such kinde of my aduersaries: if hereafter they will begin afresh, or hould on, obstinately, in their for∣mer errors, vaine imaginations, false reportes, and most vngodly sclanders of me and my studies. ¶ Therefore, (to make all this cause, for euer, before God and man, out of all doubt:) Seeing, your Lordships good grace, are, as it were, our high Priest, and chiefe Ecclesiasticall mi∣nister, (vnder our most dread and Soueraigne Ladie, Queene Elizabeth) to whose censure and iudgement, I submit all my studies and exercises; yea all my bookes, past, present and hereafter to be written, by me (of my own skill, iudgement, or opinion,) I do, at this present time, most humbly, sincerelie, and vnfainedly, and in the name of Almighty God, (yea for his honor and glory) request, and beseech your Grace, (when, and as conueniently you may) to be well and throughlie certified of me, what I am, Intus & in cute: Reuerendissime in Christo Pater, & Dignissime Archipraesul, cognosce & agnosce vultum tàm internum, quàm externum pecoris tui: And wherein I haue vsed, doe or shall vse, pen, speech, or conuersation,

otherwise then as it appertaineth to a faithfull, carefull, sincere, and humble seruant of Christ Iesu, That your grace woulde vouchsafe to aduertise me. So, I trust, Vltima respondebunt primis: in such sort, as this Authen∣tick Recorde in latine annexed (ad perpetuam rei memori∣am,) doth testifie: hauing neuer, hitherto, had occasion to shewe that, in any place of Christendome: to testifie better of me, then they had proofe of me, themselues, by my conuersation among them. (The Almighty, there∣fore, be highly thanked, praised, honored, and glorified, for euer and euer, Amen.)

But nowe, in respect of the generall intent of this briefe discourse, I most humbly, and reuerently, exhibit to your graces view, and perusing, the originall monu∣ment, and Authenticke Record, before men∣tioned, faire written in parchment, with the seale whole, and perfect, duly ap∣pendant: as I haue 46. yeeres, and somewhat longer, preserued it. The true copy wher∣of, your grace doth see, to be verba∣tim, as fol∣loweth.


To the children of the New Holy Mother Church, to whom the present letters are addressed, Vice-Chancellor Caetus {and} all the Regents and non-Regents, of the University of Cantabrigia, Peace in the Lord forever. Considering the merits and merits of the students in our University, and with a sincere affection, we think that those alone should be adorned with our testimony, whom we know to have merited due to learning and honesty of character, so that they may obtain this benefit from us. our request to him, to your piety, we signify by these letters, that John Dee, beloved of us in Christ, the Master of Arts, in our said university, happily engaged, procured for himself the greatest praise of doctrine and honesty: Of whose degree , and in the conversation (which was always most honest), lest any doubt or question should ever arise, among those to whom the virtues of this man were not sufficiently acquainted, it seemed to us, in the grace of the said John, to make these letters our Testimonials to recruit; and to seal the writings, with the public seal of our Academy: that they may have greater authority with you, and the weight of our letters, Farewell. Dated at Cambridge, in full Convocation of the Masters Regents, and non-Regents, of the aforesaid Academy: 14. Calend. April, in the year of Christ's birth. 1548

VNiuersis Sanctae matris Ecclesiae filijs, ad quos praesen∣tes literae peruenturae sunt, Vicecancellarius Caetus{que} omnis Regentium & non Regentium, Vniuersitatis Can∣tabrigiae, Salutem in Domino sempiternam. Conditi∣ones & merita hominū in nostra Vniuersitate studentium, affectu sincero perpendentes, eos solos testimonio nostro ornandos esse arbitramur, quos scimus ob eruditionem, & morum probitatem promeritos esse, vt istud beneficium à nobis consequantur: Quamobrem, cùm hoc tempore, ipsa veritas testimonium nostrum sibi postulat, vestrae pietati, per has literas significamus, Quòd dilectus nobis in Chri∣sto, Ioannes Dee, Artium Magister, in dicta nostra v∣niuersitate, foeliciter versatus, plurimam sibi & doctri∣nae & honestatis laudem comparauit: De cuius gradu, & conuersatione (quae honestissima semper fuit,) ne qua vspi∣am ambiguitas, aut quaestio oriri possit, apud eos, quibus huius viri virtutes haud satis innotuerint, visum est no∣bis, in dicti Ioannis gratiam, has literas nostras Testimo∣niales conscribere; & conscriptas, publico Academiae no∣strae sigillo, obsignare: quò, maiorem apud vos authorita∣tem, & pondus literae nostrae habeant, Bene valete. Da∣tum Cantabrigiae, in plena Conuocatione Magistrorum Regentium, & non Regentium, Academiae praedictae: 14. Calend. Aprilis, Anno à Christo nato. 1548.

For certaine due respects the very image of the fore∣said seale, is not heere in portraiture published.


THe Almightie and most mercifull God, the Father; for his only Sonne (our Redeemer) Iesus Christ his sake: by his holy spirit, so direct, blesse, and prosper all my studies, and exercises Philosophicall, (yea, all my thoughts, words, and deedes) henceforward, euen to the very moment of my departing from this world, That I may euidently and aboundantly be found, and vndoub∣tedly acknowledged of the wise and iust, to haue beene a zealous and faithfull student in the Schoole of Verity, and an Ancient Graduate in the Schoole of Charity: to the honor and glory of the same God Almighty, and to the sound cōfort and confirming of such as faithfully loue & feare his diuine Maiestie, and vnfeinedly continue in la∣bor to do good, on earth: when, while, to whome, and as they may, Amen.

Very speedily written, this twelfth euen, and twelfth day, in my poore Cottage, at Mortlake: Anno. 1595. currente à Nati∣uitate Christi: ast, An. 1594. Completo, à Conceptione eiusdem, cum nouem praeterea mensibus, Completis.

Allwaies, and very dutifully, at your Graces commandement: Iohn Dee.


Psalm 118 I will not die, but I will live, and I will do the works of the Lord: On the cross of Christ alone is fixed all our glory. Apocalypse 5. Behold, Leo of the tribe of Judah (the root of David) prevailed to open the book, and to dissolve its seven signs. JEHOVAH, MY STRENGTH, WHOM I WILL FEAR. BEGINNING A NEW YEAR: THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL.

Psal.118. Non moriar, sed viuam, & nartabo opera Domini: In sola Christi cruce fixa est omnis nostris gloria. Apocalypsis. 5. Ecce, vicit Leo de tribu Iuda (radix Dauid) aperire librum, & soluere septem Signacula eius. IEOVA, FORTITVDO MEA, A QVO, TIMEBO. ANNO MVNDI NOVO INCHOANTE: VERITAS PREVALEBIT.

¶ AT LONDON Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Bred∣streete hill at the signe of the Starre.


* 2.1
Paule to the Rom. Cap. 1. verse 19. 20.

* 2.2
It may now be here also re∣membred, that almost three yeeres after the writing of this letter, I did somewhat satisfie the request of an hono∣rable friend in Court, by spee∣dilie penning some matter concerning her maiesties Sea-soueraigntie: vnder this title Thalattocratia Brytannica.

* 2.3

De Brytanico Maris Imperio, Collectanea Extemporanea: 4. dierum Spacio, celeri conscripta calamo. Anno. 1597.—Sep∣temb. 20, Mancestriae.

✚ 2.4
Although thát my last voyage beyond ye Seas, was duly vndertakē (by her Ma∣iesties good fauour and li∣cence) as by the same words may appeare in the Letter, written by the right honou∣rable Lord Threasorer, vnto your grace in my behalfe, and her most excellent ma∣iestie willing his honor so to do. Anno. 1590. the 20. of Ianuarie.

* 2.5
A feruent protestatiō.

Quote of the Day

“avoid all things which vanish in or will not endure the fire, because from these adjustible, perishing or consuming things, you can never attain to the perfect matter, which is only found in the digesting of your water, extracted from sol and luna. For by this water, color, and ponderosity or weight, are infinitely given to the matter; and this water is a white vapor, which like a soul flows through the perfect bodies, taking wholly from them their blackness, and impurities, uniting the two bodies in one, and increasing their water. Nor is there any other thing than Azoth, to wit, this our water, which can take from the perfect bodies of sol and luna, their natural color, making the red body white, according to the disposition thereof.”


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