All Alchemy Audio Books

Here you will find all alchemical audio books available on our website with soft background music so you can study more easy.

Aegidius of Vadis

Alain of Lille [Alanus de lnsulis]


Albertus Magnus

Ali Puli


Anton Josef Kirchweger

Anton Mitras

Apollonius Rhodius

Archibald Cockren



Arnold de Villa Nova


Arthur Edward Waite and Francis Barrett

Basil Valentine

Benedict Figulus

Bernard Trevisan

Charles VI, King of France

Christian Rosenkreutz

Christopher Grummet

Claude Chevalier

Cleidophorus Mystagogus

Comte de St. Germain

Cremer Abbot Of Westminster

Denis Zacarie


Edward Kelly

Edward Nowell

Eirenaeus Philalethes

Elias Artista


Fabre du Bosquet

Father C.R.

Francesco Maria Pompey Colonna

Francis Bacon

Franz Kieser

Geber (Jabir Ibn Hayyan)

George Ripley

Georgius Aurach de Argentina


Hemrich von Batsdorff

Henri de Montfaucon de Villars

Henricus Madathanus

Hermes Trismegistus


Huginus a barma


Isaac Luria

Jean d'Espagnet

Jean de la Fontaine de Valenciennes

Jean de Meung

Johan Friedrich Fleischer

Johann Grasshoff

Johann Isaac Hollandus

Johann Sternhals, Ritter-Krieg

Johannes de Monte Raphaim

John A. Mehung

John de Monte Snyders

John Dee

John Fountain of Valencienn

John Frederick Helvetius

John French

John Heydon

John Pontanus

Kalid ben Jazichi

Karl Von Eckhartshausen

Limojon de Saint-Didier

Lucius Apuleius

M. M. Pattison Muir

Marc-Antonio Crassellame

Martin Ruland

Mary Anne Atwood

Mary the Prophetess

Melchior Cibinensis

Michael Maier

Michael Scotus

Michael Sendivogius

Nicholas Barnaud Delphinas

Nicolas Flamel

Nicolas Le Valois d'Escoville



Raymond Lully

Richard Ingalese

Roger Bacon

Salomon Trismosin

Sancelrien Tourangeau


Synesius - Greek Abbot

The Unknown Knight

Thomas Vaughan

William Blake

Zosimos of Panopolis

Quote of the Day

“But because with philosophers gold is the most temperate body, having equal parts of hot, cold, moist and dry. Therefore it may with the more difficulty be corrupted and dissolved by reason of the equal agreement and proportion of the elements. Therefore there must a disagreement be made among the elements by contrary elements: and this discord makes a solution and mortification of the body: which being done there is made a cleansing mundification of Nature, which nevertheless cannot be done without a physical separation of the elements”

Marsilio Ficino

Book of the Chemical Art - Liber de Arte Chemica


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